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Fisherman's Birthday

Is a Caribbean Family Fun Day event that is based upon an annual ceremony that started many years ago in the Caribbean, on the beautiful island Grenada.


Brief History:

The Roman Catholic Church in Grenada,

observed the 29th of June as the birthday of

St.Peter, patron saint of fishermen.


The town of Gouyave,

(also known as Charlotte Town or Duncan Town)

Grenada main fishing village

has been the centre of attractions

for fisherman birthday celebrations.


This takes the added significance since

St.Peter Diocese in Grenada is also Gouyave.


On June 29th, Fisherman,

Vendors and their families attended

church services,

followed by a procession to the bay

where the priest blesses the boats,

all beautifully decorated.

In the mid sixties,

boat races and merry making became part of

Fisherman's Birthday Celebration.

The main purpose of this event here in the UK

Is to continue the traditions of our fore fathers

and continue to celebrate our heritage,

teaching our children and sharing with other cultures.


At the same time we see the event acting as a hub,

keeping the community spirit alive,

and educating those in need of their cultural heritage,

while providing entertainment,

to the various cultures and races

that participate in the event.

On Sunday June 26th 2022

Fisherman's Birthday

A Caribbean Family Fun Day here in the UK,

will be celebrating its 20th Anniversary.


The intention and expectation

of both the organisers and its supporters

is that each year the event will get bigger and better.


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